Welcome to England's Christian Heritage
We aim to provide a Guide to places associated with well-known Christians throughout English history. We hope this will encourage visitors to discover how God has used men and women of faith to shape English culture and institutions.

William Wilberforce

William Tyndale

John Wesley

John Bunyan

The Pilgrim Fathers

Isaac Watts

Thomas Cranmer

William Booth

St Aidan
See where they lived
Walk where they walked
Pray where they prayed
Select a county or region and find out which famous Christians were born, lived, worked or died in your area.
“After that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel” Judges 2, 10
Welcome to England's
Christian Heritage
We aim to provide a Guide to places associated with well-known Christians throughout English history. We hope this will encourage visitors to discover how God has used men and women of faith to shape English culture and institutions.
See where they lived
Walk where they walked
Pray where they prayed
Select a county or region and find out which famous Christians were born, lived, worked or died in your area.

William Booth

William Wilberforce

William Tyndale

John Wesley

John Bunyan

The Pilgrim Fathers

Isaac Watts

St Aidan
“After that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel” Judges 2, 10