
…to supervise the Baptist Sunday School and attend his Parish church on Sunday evenings. Early in its history, the Convention began to encourage and support missionary work and one of…

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Hereford & Worcester

support the extra weight of the Lady Chapel and Quire built in the thirteenth century. On his death in 1095, Wulfstan was buried in his cathedral but the main part…

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…With Edwin’s support, Paulinus travelled around Northumbria preaching and baptising and for a few years the church made rapid progress.  All this came to an abrupt halt when Edwin was…

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…Bishop of Worcester. In 961 he became Archbishop and travelled to Rome to be consecrated. He helped to integrate the Danes into the political life of the country and to…

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London (South)

…and Foreign Bible Society and the Religious Tract Society. The supported the growing Sunday School movement and embarked on projects as diverse as savings banks for the poor and societies…

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…it stands.  The roof is supported by six stone columns and there are galleries on three sides.  The pulpit has upper and lower lecterns, for the preacher and clerk respectively….

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…a devoted widow, Mary Unwin (1724-1796).   He loved the things of the countryside – hares, birds and flowers.  His poems ranged from the comical John Gilpin to the semi-autobiographical The Task,…

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London (City)

…plasterwork in the style of Robert Adam, supports a large central chandelier with four smaller ones at the corners. The gallery, covering three sides, was originally supported by pillars made…

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…in John Wesley’s rooms in Lincoln College and continued until 1735 when the members dispersed – some to America and others to country parishes. Christ Church College In the dining…

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…this Black Country town in October 1743 that John Wesley had one of the most violent encounters of his life. Attempting to preach in the town centre, he was assaulted…

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